Git and GitHub

Git and GitHub

Git and Github used for a write to code with multiple coders. Its widely used in Tech Startups .Its essential for every Programmer.


2 min read

What is Git

Git is a version control system used for tracking and deployment of a project. its good advantage is tracking a project. Also, it's used for work with Multiple Developers.

Command Line

Command Line is used for operating git.

Some basic command Line is

git config --global "codevibe"
git config --global ""
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"

git config --global = It's used for setting the user name or email for seeing the other coders who check the status of who deployed code.

git init = it's used for entering a folder in a git.

git add = is used for deploying projects on stage state.

git commit = it's used for adding a description before deploying a project.

Some Important Command Line

git status

git status = is used for tracking and checking the status of a project.

git log

git log = is used for checking the history of a project.

What is GitHub

GitHub is software that deployed a project for open contribution or shows projects to others and is visible a project on the Internet.

Some basic command lines of GitHub

git branch codevibe
git remote add origin <REMOTE_URL>
git push origin codevibe

git branch = it creates a branch of the project.

git remote = it adds a repository into the stage area.

git push = is used for deploying a project into the stage area to GitHub.


1st Make sure to commit before deploying a project.

2nd Make sure to commit after adding the project into the stage area.